- Colloidal Copper Supplement Technology Integrating NANO suspended particulate cloud.
- Maximum Bioavailability! Highest Absorption Rate .
- 100% pure, no additives, fillers or preservatives.
- Ingredients: 99.9% Fine Copper Atoms in Distilled water.
Therapeutic Uses
Low intakes of copper may be associated with increased LDL “bad” cholesterol and decreased HDL “good” cholesterol. This may account for low copper levels being a potential contributing factor in heart and circulatory problems, which may lead to full-blown heart disease.
A lack of copper in the diet may lower the body’s immune system. Normal intakes may help to reduce the risk of infection.
Blood levels of copper are thought to be directly associated with bone mass density; even a mild deficiency of copper may trigger, then worsen, osteoporotic lesions in bones. Boosting poor dietary intakes may help reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
Short-term treatment with copper salicylates has been shown to reduce fever and swelling, and to increase joint mobility in those who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis.
“Without an adequate supply of copper, skin becomes fragile and will break easily and heal slowly, bones will fracture easily blood vessels can leak or even burst and cause an aneurysm,” explained Dr. Lesser.